版主這次呼朋引伴來到了 宜蘭市 的【虎咖啡】,其實還蠻好找的,就是宜蘭市的地標 新月廣場 「蘭城晶英酒店」大門口正對面的巷子進去,遇叉路走右手邊,直直走就會看到這家隱身在鄉野的小巷子內的咖啡廳,虎咖啡!
【地址】宜蘭市 國榮路 104號
【營業】13:00~19:00 〈每周四公休喔〉
"Alleys coffee" Fans look over here!
This time I invited my friends to the Tiger Coffee of Yilan city. In fact, it's not difficult to find here. It's located in the opposite alley of the entrance of Luna Plaza, Silks Place Yilan Hotel, the landmark of Yilan City. Go into the opposite alley, if crossroad, go right hand side and then straight along the alley, you will find the Tiger Cafe "bravely" nestled in the countryside alley!
[Address] No. 104, Kuo Rong Road, Yilan City, Taiwan
[Open Time] 13:00 ~ 19:00 <Thu. close>
The price is not high to every civilian. Freshly made muffins, handmade cakes are full filled with the owner's caring and love.
가격은 시민에 대해서 높지 않습니다. 가게 자신이 만든 머핀과 수제 케이크는 소유자의 관심과 사랑으로 가득 차 있습니다.
看吧!有各國各式各樣的咖啡豆,有亞洲 蘇門答臘、南美洲 玻利維亞、非洲 耶加雪菲、北美洲 尼加拉瓜、中美洲 聖特瑞莎、中美洲 哥斯大黎加...等各地的咖啡豆,真是讓人大開眼界,也自嘆自己咖啡知識的不足!
Check it out! There aer a variety of coffee beans. There are Asia - Sumatra, South America - Bolivia, Africa - Yirgacheffe, North America - Nicaragua, Central America - Shengteruisuo, Central America - Costa Rica ... It is really an eye-opener, but I also sigh my own lack of knowledge of coffee!!
It is important that, with the introduction of the boss, the second floor is a classroom. Tiger coffee has opened "hand made coffee" lessons!
If you come here at noon, Sorry, it does not open! It takes one day off on Thursdays, too. They only open six hours a day in a concentrated period. It is probably a business strategy in rural areas. So new customers, regular customers can drink coffee in a concentrated period of time. It seems to have some fun, or this business period is more convenient for customers to come in the non metropolitan area.
↑ 咖啡廳的座位,有大有小,這是方便小團體聚會的長方桌,約莫可坐8人,很適合小組會議喔!
↑ 原木的厚實,襯托出鄉村路線純樸的調性,整個是穩重又溫暖的感覺。
↑ 透過玻璃杯,也可以看見彩色世界,無論玻璃杯本身無色或有色,這世界依然有它自己的顏色!
↑ 你知道嗎?咖啡杯中這朵花,是一氣呵成拉出來的,咖啡拉花看似簡單,卻是不容易,奶泡細緻度、容量多少、手搖弧度...等,在在都影響著花型,看一遍,不一定學得會的,還是要拜師學習拉花的"眉角",才能拉出漂亮的花兒的.....
↑ 版主可愛的同事們,趁著下午空班或休假,特地前來向虎老闆討教、取經.....^^
↑ 忙著手沖咖啡的虎老闆背影,我們暫時不敢打擾....
↑ 虎,出現了!原來安坐在椅子上,卻也看起來炯炯有神。是不是? 是不是!
看到沒?!歡迎毛小孩,這是一家 Pet Friendly 的咖啡店!