21 打鹿岸 看海的日子.jpg

於 疫情/歲月/房租成本/老闆心情....等因素,有些「美食店」是會 位移的,潔兮每篇介紹的店家,麻煩請查「關鍵字」,她就會出現最新的 地點/電話 讓你知囉~ 本篇介紹的店家 關鍵字 Keyword:★★ 台東 打鹿岸 ★★ Taitung Daruan

旅遊綜合 / 潔兮報你知

在東台灣太平洋海邊,有一家看起來很新的餐廳,今年〈2021年〉2月才開幕的,可以喝咖啡、下午茶,也有碳烤與風味美食,重要的是,比美食更吸睛的還有店內充滿在地風情的藝術品。整個餐廳可以說是完全地「開放空間」,這是順應COVID19疫情設計的概念嗎??  拿~~~麼厲害!在餐廳內完全可以保持安全距離、並自由呼吸海風帶來的淨化空氣!這家「打鹿岸」餐廳就位於台東的「富岡漁港」附近,就是那個,要搭船去綠島的那個漁港啦!

 There is a restaurant on the Pacific Ocean in Eastern Taiwan that looks very new.  It just newly opened in February this year (2021).  You can drink coffee, afternoon tea, as well as charcoal grilled and flavored delicacies (reservation needed).  Importantly, the whole restaurant is designed and decoreated by local-style artworks which are more eye-catching than gourmet food. The entire restaurant is completely "open space".  It can be said that this is a concept designed to comply with the COVID19 epidemic!  In the restaurant, you can keep a safe distance and freely breathe the purified air brought by the sea breeze!  This "Daru an" restaurant is located near the "Fugang Fishing Port" in Taitung, which is the fishing port where you can take a boat to "Green Island".  

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The entire restaurant adopts an open-air style in the name of "Shouting Wilderness" design, which means that there are many sunny days in Taitung, so your mood will be bright for chasing the "sunny"! Sitting in the restaurant, we can directly face and converse to the "Pacific"!  A concept envied by urbanites. 

레스토랑 전체가 "Shouting Wilderness" 디자인이라는 이름으로 야외 스타일을 채택했는데, 이는 타이동에 화창한 날이 많다는 것을 의미하므로 "화창한"을 쫓는 기분이 밝을 것입니다! 레스토랑에 앉아 "태평양"을 직접 마주하고 대화할 수 있습니다! 도시인들이 부러워하는 컨셉.

03 打鹿岸 遠眺烏石港.jpg



At the entrance of the restaurant, there is a giant statue the same height as a coconut tree. He looks like a fisherman who casts a giant net to catch fishes or you. ^^ The net is lifted high, a net full of tension, a net being cast into the sea in an instant, with the image of returning full of loads.  Standing under the statue, there will be an illusion, that you will feel the fishing net is splashing towards you, and you are the fish that is about to be caught in the net!  Suddenly we realize the insignificance of ourselves!

식당 입구에는 야자수와 같은 높이의 거대한 동상이 있습니다. 물고기를 잡기 위해 거대한 그물을 던지는 어부처럼 보입니다. ^^  그물을 높이 치켜들고 순식간에 바다에 던져진 그물은 물고기가 가득 차서 돌아오는 모습입니다. 동상 아래에 서 있으면 그물이 자신을 향해 튀는 느낌이 들고 그물에 걸리려는 물고기가 되는 듯한 착각이 들 것입니다! 갑자기 우리는 우리 자신의 나약함을 깨닫습니다!

04 打鹿岸 入口處.jpg


05 打鹿岸 入口雕像.jpg


你可以坐在「露天區」,若你覺得妳的處境是一個風吹日曬雨淋,那麼,這裡還有個「竹棚區」可以為妳遮風擋雨!充分展現出竹子的特性,她,彎弧出一個有個性角度的美感,雖然質樸卻強烈吸引人的眼球!潔兮只替她擔心一點,祈求颱風別來折騰,保留點藝術的創作在太平洋海岸,不好嗎~ 所以,要欣賞她的丰采,妳必須和時間賽跑,不求第一,但至少超前。 

You may enjoy the weather by sitting in the "open area". If you feel too windy, sunny or rainy, then there is also a "bamboo shed" to shelter you from the wind and rain!  Fully showing the characteristics of bamboo, The shed being curved to create a unique aesthetic sense, though simple but strongly attracting people's attention!  Jessie only worried one thing for her. Jessie prays that the typhoon would not toss and keep some artistic creations on the Pacific coast. Jessie hopes so.  Therefore, in order to appreciate her brilliance, you must race against time, not to beat the time, but at least to be ahead of time.

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Jessie made a fuss about this engraved pattern for the first time. Don't you see, if this long wooden chair is missing this engraved pattern, I am afraid it is commonly known as "furniture", at most it will have a higher-level title "log furniture."  However, with the addition of such a set of aboriginal patterns, it has turned from "furniture" to "artwork", and the whole texture has jumped from "material" to "cultural totem" discussion.

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09 打鹿岸 椅背雕刻.jpg


這是一個幸福的國度,有各式各樣香甜美味的水果,關鍵字是「當季」,台語為「著時」/tio̍h-sî/。台灣的水果在某些場合是有特殊寓意的,例如,鳳梨的台語叫做「旺來」,吉祥意味十足!但,在農曆七月,中元普渡時,潔兮小時候家裡的禁忌習俗是,不用 香蕉、梨子、李子、鳳梨...等作為祭拜水果的,因為有台語「招你來」的諧音。近年,隨著社會觀念的進步,習俗上已無太多忌諱,強調的是「虔心誠意」,心懷敬意,用多樣水果祭拜,多多幫助果農才是。您瞧,以下照片的水果,是不是也可說成吉祥語「寧 樂 成 鳳」呢〈檸檬、芭樂、橙橘、鳳梨〉..... O^.^O

10 打鹿岸 水果擺飾.jpg


簡單粗獷的幾筆鑿痕,簡潔有力,雕塑出部落長老歷經歲月與人世淬礪出的和藹,如沐春風。鑿痕看似簡單,其實不簡單,由許多小面積展現,讓光影有不同層次的折射,彷如 印象派 的作品~ 無關派系、派別,有眼緣,對潔兮而言,就是一件無價藝術。 是吧




It's not so much a custom piece of art as it's a sculptor's whim, and each piece is unique. The moment when you touch the handle and sit down, you will instantly feel that you are the "Supreme Leader", surrounded by heroes and strategists.

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13 打鹿岸 藝術座椅 長背.jpg


14 打鹿岸 藝術座椅 酋長背面.jpg


你遠在他鄉為異客,猶如坐在長桌的彼端!雖有無礙的既視感,但我們仍需靠著電子通訊,去維持著溝通時的那一份 優雅!想來場景也是十分有趣,只因,無論遠近,它仍是一段距離,充滿了無盡的美麗與哀愁!

You seem to be a stranger in a far country, just as you were sitting on the other side of the long table!  Although there is an unobstructed sense of sight, we still need to rely on electronic communication to maintain the elegance of communication! It is also very interesting to be in the  scene, because, no matter how far or near, it is still a distance, full of endless beauty and sorrow!

당신은 마치 긴 테이블의 반대편에 앉아 있는 것처럼 먼 나라에 있는 이방인처럼 보입니다! 시야에 방해가 되지는 않지만 통신의 우아함을 유지하려면 여전히 전자 통신에 의존해야 합니다! 얼마나 멀고 가까이 있든 여전히 멀고 끝없는 아름다움과 슬픔으로 가득 차 있기 때문에 현장에있는 것도 매우 흥미 롭습니다!

15 打鹿岸 長桌與吧台.jpg



Frost-like totems appeared on the disc of the cake, and the "ceremonial sense" of the grand afternoon tea instantly exploded! Let Jessie stay for a while~ What kind of feelings do the shopkeepers bring out such exquisite carvings and delight the guests with the totems and symbols of tribe art! What a surprise! Inheritance, it turns out that it can also be staged in the small details of life, making people always amazing.

케이크의 원반에 서리 같은 토템이 등장하고, 애프터눈 티의 '의식감'이 순간에 폭발! 잠시 머물면서 생각하자~ 가게 주인은 어떤 마음으로 이렇게 정교한 조각품을 꺼내고 토템과 부족 예술의 상징으로 손님을 기쁘게 할까요! 놀랐는 걸! 문화 유산, 그것은 삶의 작은 세부 사항에서도 무대화 될 수 있으며 사람들을 항상 놀라게 할 수 있음이 밝혀졌습니다.

16 打鹿岸 下午茶 奶凍捲.jpg


17 打鹿岸 下午茶 咖啡甜點.jpg



This is the footprint that we've been here, not just a cup of coffee and a few photos! We talked about our respective life, and performed an old movie named "Days of Watching the Sea", each of us threw our inner troubles into the sea, and let it go with the waves!

이것은 단지 커피 한 잔과 몇 장의 사진이 아니라 우리가 여기에 있었던 흔적입니다! 각자의 삶에 대한 이야기를 나누며 "바다를 바라보는 날들"을 부르며 각자 내면의 고민을 바다에 던지고 파도와 함께 가자!

17 打鹿岸 露天區.jpg



The torches reveal that there are gorgeous nights here. Beside the dark and windy coast, Taiwan aboriginal-style barbecue delicacies embellish passions and deliciousness with torches.

횃불은 여기에 화려한 밤이 있음을 나타냅니다. 어둡고 바람이 많이 부는 해안 옆에서 대만 원주민 스타일의 바베큐 진미는 횃불로 열정과 맛을 장식합니다.

19 打鹿岸 火把.jpg




01 打鹿岸 看板.jpg


There is a restaurant named Daruan newly opened near by Fukang Fishing Port, Taitung, Taiwan. There are a lot Aboriginal Tribe's arts and designs inside the restaurant. Also there is a chance to experience the tribe's dining culture. You will love it.




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